Pear Tarte Tatin

Ingredients: Serves 4-6

900g Pears peeled, cored & sliced
110g Dark brown sugar
Great British Vermouth

110g Plain flour
50g Butter
Pinch of salt
Cold water

Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Grease a 20cm tin and line the base with greased baking parchment.

Lifting the sieve high to add air, sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Add the butter and mix until it resembles breadcrumbs then add a tbspoon of cold water. Combine into a ball of dough and chill for 20-30 mins.

Slowly melt the brown sugar in Great British Vermouth without boiling. Pour most of the liquid into the tin then arrange your pears to cover the bottom. Add in the remaining liquid. Roll your pastry to 1cm and cover the tin. Gently press into your pears and tuck the edges in slightly so there is no pastry hanging over the edge. Bake for 40mins until the party turns golden. Once cold, loosen the edges and cover with a plate before flipping upside down. Remove the tin and parchment.

Enjoy with a scoop of ice cream and a chilled glass of Great British Vermouth

Michael Kaplan